How viable is an industry based on cultivated seaweed for Wales?

Project Madoc, a comprehensive 12-month feasibility study, funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Funded (EMFF), assessed the economic viability, environmental impact and social acceptability of developing a sustainable and competitive industry for Wales, based on the cultivation and downstream processing of selected species of native seaweed.

Madog.Illustration AS Boyd 1909
Madog.Illustration AS Boyd 1909

Why 'Madoc’?

Like all the best myths, lost in Welsh and North Atlantic mists of time, the exploits of the Welsh Prince, Madoc (or Madog) live on to inspire us to the present day. Son of Owain, Prince of Gwynedd, this seafaring adventurer Madoc – or so it is said – successfully braved the treacherous Atlantic to reach the shores of North America some three centuries before the (now) reviled Columbus.

The power of his legendary maritime exploits – whether true or otherwise – courses through our veins, pointing a navigable way forward for us to take on fresh challenges in a new age of discovery. The essence and ‘spirit of Madoc’ has galvanised and inspired us to embark on this voyage into and beyond the world of Welsh seaweed to shores yet unvisited. His spirit truly lives on, as you are about to discover!

The feasibility study consists of four key parts:

  1. Part One

    Economic and Market Assessment

  2. Part Two

    Social Licence to Operate

  3. Part Three

    Environmental Impact Assessment

  4. Part Four

    Marine Mapping for Farming Kelp

The project team wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to all 185 stakeholders who generously gave their time, contributions and shared valuable insights into what is an emergent industry.

Project Madoc The power of seaweed

Project Madoc: A seaweed industry in the making?

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